Friday 18 September 2009

Atheist asks me why God allow suffering

Atheist asks me why God allow suffering?

Why ask me…Ask God…oh ya, you don't believe in a living God. So the question you should ask is "Why does man allow suffering?" Why blame someone that doesn't exist?

God gave the most precious gift… choice.  Yet choices (good or bad) have consequences. Are you mature enough to accept the consequences?  Do you want God to take away only the bad ones?

He gave everyone that unique gift.  Yet, many have taken away that gift from someone. You see it from the government to within a marriage relationship.  Are you a control freak?… then you have taken away that gift from someone.

He gave Adam free choice.  You may contest that Adam has nothing to do with your choice.  But, what about you?  What about now?  Is it your way or God's way?  You have today the same choice Adam had.

But you contest…I'm not a killer, I harm no one.  Why God does not stop those who commit atrocities?  Killing is only one commandment. To whose standard should God use to intervene in the affair of man?  Yours?

You contest again by stating that no one is perfect and no one can keep the commandments.  You are right.  That is why, by one man (Adam) all have sin, by one man (Jesus) we can all be saved.  God has sent His Son to pay for the penalty of all sins so that whoever believed in Him may have eternal life.  (Save by grace not by work). That simple.

To believe….that is your choice.  Chose life.

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