Saturday 11 March 2017

"The Promised One of All Ages” - "The Coming Of The Lawless One”

The Supreme Ruler Over The Whole World

Islam is NOT the Snare

“The fear of Islamism existed for the past 1400 years, Islamophobia. This present Canadian Liberal Party lead by their leader Hon. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will attempt to eliminate the fear of Islam by enforcing anti-Islamophobia legislation. The fear will never subside; it will only increase no matter what. In fact, millions will die rejecting Islam, Rev 7:14.” [My quote]

“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.,” Luke 21:35 KJV

“I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive,” John 5:43

In this commentary, I will attempt to explain the coming fulfilment of these two prophetic events that Jesus told to the Jewish religious authority when He was among them over 2017 years ago, and how it will come about.

Please take note that I am not fighting against Muslims [Islam] but against a lie.

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places,” Ephesians 6:12

The priests, the Sadducees and the Pharisees refused to believe that Jesus was the promised one who would redeem humanity of its sins and to become King of Israel.  They were well aware of the prophetic scriptures found in the Old Testament. King Herod recognized the dangerous impact of a newborn child could have on his throne. The priest, who inquired on the location of the child, did not acknowledge the child as being the One to be Ruler of Israel as written in the Book of Micah, or else they would have taken the time to visit him as the three wise men did.

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,Yet out of you shall come forth to MeThe One to be Ruler in Israel,Whose goings forth are from of old,From everlasting,” Micah 5:2

With all the signs of wonders that Jesus showed and the teaching about the Kingdom of God that He explained during His time among them; it was insufficient to convince them that He was the True Son Of God, the awaited Messiah.  

“The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them,” Matthew 11:5

Jesus prophesied that in the end time, they would accept one other than Him,

“I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive,” John 5:43

Who is this other one that Jesus is talking about? This other who comes in his own name? Centuries have past where each generation of bible students didn’t have a clue who could this man be. Now, as the end time is upon us, more and more clues are revealed as the angel, a messenger from God declared to Daniel.  

“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase,” Daniel 12:4.

We are living within the end of time. Science and technology have increased at an accelerated pace within the last 100 years.  Automobile transportation and jet-propelled airplane allowed millions of people to travel every day, and every hour of the day everywhere in the world.  Electronic technology allows us to communicate across the world instantly. Many students of prophecy are astonished by the increasing amount of events worldwide that coincide with the prophetic sign of the end of time.

As a student of Bible prophecy, I also took notice. I have been writing about my findings and have been sharing them in my personal blog.  

In my latest commentary, I explained which nation represented The Little Horn described in Daniel 8:9.

Here a segment of my commentary:

“The little horn is Babylon which represents the gentile origin. Babylon as NEVER been destroyed.  And it is on the rise, as of this day. I strongly recommend that you watch this bible study by Andy Woods title: “The Role of Babylon in Bible Prophecy” at

The little horn is “The Mahdi’s kingdom” which is the prophesied redeemer of Islam. According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi's tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the "false Messiah" or Antichrist),

"There is a factor that the western civilization ignores; it is that there are two distinct groups of Muslims that compete to fulfill the end time Islamic prophecy. Both want to be in charge of the establishment of a new Caliphate the Mahdi as the Supreme Ruler over the whole world.  The two dominant forms of Islam are Sunnis and Shia (Shiites).  Sunnis are Arab Muslims, and Shia (Shiites) are non-Arab Muslims.  When the Islamic prophet Muhammad died in the year 632, it leads to a dispute over the succession to Muhammad as a caliph of the Islamic community to become the Great Mahdi.  The countries with the majority of Muslim Sunnis are North Africa including Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Countries with majority Shia (Shiites) are Iraq, Iran.  Both sects believe that to achieve the cause to bring about the Mahdi, chaos and havoc must be spread across the whole world.”

The Muslim’s Mahdi is the one that the whole world will accept instead of Jesus.  The Jews and many Christians will not recognize the impostor.  The Little Horn and the supreme ruler will come upon nations, the unbelievers, as a snare. He will introduce himself as a distinguished man of peace yet will deceive the whole world. He will in time reveal to be a tyrant bringing terror to whoever refuses to worship him as The Supreme Ruler Over The Whole World. He is the abomination of desolation described in (Daniel 12:11). In (Daniel 9:27) describes when he will reveal himself as the most Satanist tyrant ever exist.
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate,” Daniel 9:27 (KJV)

But how did it ever come to that? Why is it that the leaders of the whole world didn’t recognize his ruse, his hoax and deceptions?

“For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth,” Luke 21:35

How is the Merriam-webster dictionary describes a snare?

1.      Contrivance often consisting of a noose for entangling birds or mammals - trap, gin

2.    Something by which one is entangled, involved in difficulties, or impeded - something deceptively attractive

“Something Deceptively Attractive”

 Judges 4:21

Ottavio Vannini, Jael and Sisera, the early 1640s 

What is this thing, which is deceptively attractive that the world leaders are willing to accept?  There were in past history example of the naivety of some national leaders that got entangled into a snare created by a national rivalry. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is one of them. He is known for the policy of appeasement with Adolph Hitler. World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history in absolute terms of total casualties. Over 85 million people were killed. Russia with 26.6 million of its population. In Canada, a mere 42 thousand of 1.1 million Canadians served in the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. The casualties could have been much less if only Minister Chamberlain would have confronted the lie.  

What was the lie? The lie was Hitler’s promise of peace in exchange for a territory in the Sudetenland. Sudetenland was of immense strategic importance to Czechoslovakia, as most of its border defences and banks were situated there, as well as heavy industrial districts. The Munich Agreement was signed, nevertheless, in 1937, the Wehrmacht had formulated a plan called "Operation Green" (Fall Grün) for the invasion of Czechoslovakia, which was implemented as "Operation Southeast" on 15 March 1939.

Sir Winston Churchill was a staunch critic of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward the Nazis. If modern-day political correctness and policies of tolerance would have been applied in his era, he would have been accused of racist and of nazisophobia and England would have been invaded. Today, England is in turmoil under the pressure of the Muslim community who demand the implementation of Sharia Law and who refused to live peacefully with other religions in a multicultural society. And so it has become in so many parts of Europe.

Europe failed to recognize the snare. Europe became entangled in the snare, and now are powerless and unable to escape.  And still, as of today, the European leaders cannot recognize the snare, which is part of their immigration policies, part of their globalization policies, and part of their educational institution curriculum.

Islam is NOT the Snare

What is the present modern-day snare that will bring a man [the man of sin] who has yet to be revealed and will bring chaos and persecution to the whole world during the last three and half years of the time of the gentile predicted in the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ?

“Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come.  Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God,” 2 Thes 2:1-4

Even Christians were warned to stay alert, which means to study and understand God’s word found in the bible. Many Christians do not perceive the prophetic signs of our time, the end time.  Many Christians do not take prophecy seriously and will be taken by surprise in Jesus' appearance for the deliverance of the Church, the event called the ‘Rapture’.

Jesus admonished the importance of watching:

“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.  For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.  Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man,” Luke 21:34-36

I have been weighed down by the cares of this life, been busy making a living and being engaged in all kind of projects that consumes much of my time. If it wouldn’t be of receiving the love of the truth, I also would have been taken by surprise. I also, wouldn’t understand what in the world is going on with the present Canadian Liberal government under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and of some leaders of the western democratic nations for accepting Islam as a religion of peace and making all kind of appeasement gesture toward Muslims? Why do they not recognize the danger? Or do they? Are they part of creating the deception?

None, of them, have received the gift of discernment. Few have, such as the Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper, President Donald Trump, President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marine Le Pen [One of the 5 Leading Presidential Candidates in the coming French Election], Brexit advocate Nigel Farage and last Geert Wilders Dutch leader of the Party for Freedom who commented: “Islam is not peaceful and comfortable religion. Islam is a totalitarian, violent, intolerant religion.” All the above world leaders recognized the danger of Islamisation of a nation.

"Muslims pretending to be the victims of all the trouble they have stirred up.  That's an interesting strategy, but I predict it won't help their public relations campaign as long as Muslims keep committing random acts of terrorism in this country and elsewhere. And instead of quietly assimilating in "western" culture, the Muslims squawk constantly about how offensive it is, and demand that we change to suit them," by Andrew K. Dart,

On February 22, 2017, I wrote an open letter address to all Member of the Canadian Parliament, the subject, Motion 103, a study about Islamophobia and discrimination toward Muslims in Canada. In the letter, I warned them of the danger of going forward with the motion. I stated:

“If you opt to adopt motion 103, it will accelerate God’s judgement to this once great [Christian] nation. Adopting motion 103 is the beginning of the domino effect of the degradation of Canadian democracy, the end of freedom and the beginning of chaos.  The Coming World Religion is Islam, Not Interfaith. God once gave all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon because of their disobedience, Jeremiah 20:4. Soon, God once again will use Babylon [Islam] but this time to judge all nations through the hand of the king of Babylon, THE LITTLE HORN, Luke 21:35.

I received a few responses, and here are two of them:

From Member of Parliament Randy Boissonnault

Dear Mr. Delage,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me about Motion M-103.

Racism and religious discrimination, including Islamophobia, have no place in Canadian society. On December 1st, MP Khalid tabled M-103 to condemn all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination, including Islamophobia.

What M-103 seeks to do as a Motion and not a Bill is simply to have the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage to examine how we can take a whole of government approach to eliminating racism and discrimination.

Regarding the inclusion of the term “Islamophobia”, M-103 is not only about Islamophobia but seeks to address all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination. Naming Islamophobia is important as it is a rising form of hate crime – police-reported hate crimes against Muslims have doubled since 2012.

There is no threat to or mention of freedom of speech in this motion.  These are the arguments being levelled by Rebel and the Conservative Party to score political points.

Our approach to calling out Islamophobia is so that we can name it, address it and tackle it.  It is the same approach used with misogyny, gender equity, homophobia and transphobia.

This motion is about finding peaceful ways to live together in a multicultural secular society. It deals with how racism and religious discrimination of all forms affect our society and helps us focus on how to ensure that Canada remains a place where people from all backgrounds and faiths are welcomed and feel that they are part of our national fabric.

This is about extending human rights to everyone.

Thank you for reaching out

Yours sincerely,

Randy Boissonnault

Here is another from Hon. Minister Judy Foote:

Dear Mr. Delage,

Thank you for your email regarding Motion-103.

Diversity is our strength, and religious freedom is a value that we, as Canadians, hold dear. Canada is a diverse country and respecting our differences while fostering inclusion is a key component of our collective and individual success. Peaceful co-existence among all religious and belief communities is an important part of this approach. We are strong not in spite of our differences, but because of them. Racism and religious discrimination, including Islamophobia, have no place in Canadian society.

E-petition 411, which condemned Islamophobia, was recently signed by more than 69,000 Canadians. Canadians across the country recognize this form of discrimination and want our institutions to address it. Member of Parliament Khalid tabled Motion-103 to condemn all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination, including Islamophobia.

Motion-103 is not only about Islamophobia but seeks to address all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination. A study by the Canadian Heritage committee would help to contextualize data and provide recommendations on how our government can tackle these issues.

Hon. Judy M. Foote, MP
Bonavista Burin Trinity

These two letters have one theme in common, one objective, which is the promise of peace; to preach peaceful coexistence with the Canadian Muslim community by the elimination of Islamophobia and imposing anti-racial legislation against manifestation toward the growing threat of Islamism in Canada.

“This motion is about finding peaceful ways to live together in a multicultural secular society.” Randy Boissonnault

“Canada is a diverse country and respecting our differences while fostering inclusion is a key component of our collective and individual success. Peaceful co-existence among all religious and belief communities is an important part of this approach.” Hon. Judy M. Foote, MP

One verse comes into my mind:

“For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape,” 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Yet, across the Canadian southern border, a new President has been elected. This President has the wisdom and the gift of discernment to recognize the danger of Islamism. He recognized that Muslims do not coexist in a free democratic nation. He recognized that Muslims use our democracy, and use our laws of tolerant to impose Sharia Law on to the American people.
President Donald Trump on his election campaign use the lyric written by AL WILSON – THE SNAKE LYRICS

On her way to work one morningDown the path alongside the lakeA tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snakeHis pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you""Take me in oh tender womanTake me in, for heaven's sakeTake me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake
She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silkAnd then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milkNow she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrivedShe found that pretty snake she'd taking in had been revived"Take me in, oh tender womanTake me in, for heaven's sakeTake me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake
Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tightBut instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite"Take me in, oh tender womanTake me in, for heaven's sakeTake me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake
"I saved you," cried that woman"And you've bit me even, why?You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die""Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in"Take me in, oh tender womanTake me in, for heaven's sakeTake me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake


“Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts,” Psalm 28:3 NKJV

Do not take me away with the wickedAnd with the workers of iniquity,Who speak peace to their neighbors,But evil is in their hearts. Psalm 28:3 

This verse described the hypocrisy of the Islamic community. Speaking for peace is a ruse to bring into submission the whole country of Canada.  I recognize that not all Muslims have the agenda to impose the Sharia Law, many Muslims oppose it yet their voices are not heard such as it was with the respected Muslim scholar Tarek Fatah Founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress who spoke in front of the Canadian Congress.

Tarek advises Congress that imams across Canada in mosques commence Friday prayer with hate speech calling for the defeat of all non-Muslims. Please review this video,

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper recognized the threat of Islamisation of Canada, yet he didn’t recognize the snare, the disguised ideology that causes some Senators and some Members of Parliament not to view Islam as a threat to our national security or else they would have confronted and removed the snare which is part of the curriculum in all our school.

History is repeating itself, as it happened to the nation of Israel before it deportation of its population to Babylon.  The king Zedekiah, the last king of Judah who refused to believe the prophet Ezekiel and all other prophets sent by God, preferred the listen to the advice of his priests. Zedekiah decided to believe his own [false] prophets.  If anyone of you remembers your Sunday school lessons, you would remember that King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah and brought the majority of the population into captivity.

“Thus will I accomplish My wrath on the wall and on those who have plastered it with untempered mortar; and I will say to you, ‘The wall is no more, nor those who plastered it, that is, the prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of peace for her when there is no peace,’” says the Lord God, Ezekiel 13:15-16   

If you have difficulty to understand read this verse from this version

“So I will carry out my anger on the wall and against those who covered it with whitewash. Then I will tell you, “The wall is gone. And those who covered it with whitewash are also gone. The prophets of Israel who prophesy to Jerusalem will be gone. And those who see visions of peace for Jerusalem will be gone also. There will be no peace, says the Lord God,”’ Ezekiel 13:15-16 (ICBV)


Baha'i Faith Is The Snare

Preparing the way for  "The Promised One of All Ages”

Infographic provided by Avrel Seale
Baha'i Faith is the stealth used to deceive the whole world. By definition, it is  "what Satan could not accomplish by violence or chicanery, he would have to accomplish by stealth - secretiveness - sneakiness"  It will lead the whole world to the snare.

Why is the Baha’i faith ideology the stealth, the disguised peaceful and secure ideology? Why is it part of our school curriculum in Canada? Whether you are an atheist or a person of faith with different spiritual beliefs, Baha'is will agree with your belief without any offence. It is the root of the humanism principal. To understand why I consider Baha'i Faith as stealth and a snare, we must first understand what is Baha'i Faith.

In my previous commentary titled “The Rise Of Babylon,” I explained that there were two distinct groups of Muslims that compete to fulfill the end time Islamic prophecy. Both want to be in charge of the establishment of a new Caliphate the Mahdi as the Supreme Ruler over the whole world.  The two dominant forms of Islam are Sunnis and Shia (Shiites).  Sunnis are Arab Muslims, and Shia (Shiites) are non-Arab Muslims.  I now recognize that I’ve omitted one more religious sect, which origin was within the religion of Islam, Baha'i Faith.  

While in prison, Bahaullah founded a new religion, Baha'i Faith, he received a revelation from god proclaiming that he was the Promised One and thus.  In 1844, Sayyid Ali' Muhammad, a Shi'ite Muslim, deemed himself the "Bab".  Before the Bab died he foretold the coming of someone much greater than he, known as "The Promised One of All Ages."

Is it a coincident that Muslims are waiting for the appearance of the New Caliphate, the Mahdi, which also coincides with Christian’s blessed hope of the return of Jesus The Christ, and for the Jews the Messiah?

History of the Bahá’i Faith:

The Báb

On May 23, 1844, in the city of Shiraz, located in the southern part of Persia [Iran], which is within ancient Elam, a young man 25 years of age announced that He was the One foretold by the Holy Scriptures.

He called Himself “the Báb” (which means gate) and said He was sent by the Lord to announce the coming of One greater than Himself. He declared His willingness to sacrifice Himself for that Great One.

Many became His followers but those in opposition succeeded in having Him imprisoned and finally had Him publicly executed. Twenty thousand of His followers were also killed for their beliefs.

The Báb had His own holy Writings. Among His Writings; “In the year nine ye will attain unto all good”. Again He writes; “In the year nine ye will attain unto presence of God”.


Bahá‘u’lláh, which means “the Glory of God”, was born into a wealthy and noble family in Teheran, the capital of Persia, part of the ancient Assyrian Empire. He joined the Faith of the Báb and, for that reason, was tortured and imprisoned in Teheran with heavy chains on His neck, nine years after the declaration of the Báb. Since He was of a noble family, His life was spared but He was then banished to the city of Baghdad.

He received His revelation while in prison under heavy chains, and later in Baghdad publicly announced His mission. As many were attracted to Him, the officials moved Him to different cities and finally, imprisoned Him in the fortress of Akka, in Palestine. He passed away in 1892.

While a prisoner, Bahá’u’lláh revealed many books and letters to guide humanity. He addressed the kings and rulers including Napoleon III of France, Queen Victoria of England, Kaiser Willhelm of Germany, Czar Alexander II of Russia, Pope Pius IX, and the rulers of the Republics of the Americas, to whom He announced His mission.

Bahá’u’lláh is the Manifestation of God (the father) for this age and has brought the teachings, which will finally bring unity and peace to mankind. He has brought the new World Order, which is the promised Kingdom of God. Bahá’is believe that Christ referred to Bahá’u’lláh when He said; “For the son of man shall come in the Glory of His Father”. (Matt; 16; 27)

Bahá’u’lláh wrote His will and testament so that after Him, His eldest son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would be the Center of His Covenant and the interpreter of His Writings. Because of this, the Bahá’i Faith is the only religion in the world, which did not split into different sects after the death of its Founder.


According to “The Baha'i World Official Web Page”, in 1995 there were over 5 million followers of the Baha'i Faith, located in 235 countries and territories. According to J. Gordon Melton's 1995 statistics, there are 127,000 Baha'is living in the United States and there are over 2 million worldwide. (Melton, 1996A:838)

Bahá'í has the greatest religious influence within the Western nation's institutions. Its core belief is that all religions have the same spiritual source. According to Wikipedia:

“The Bahá'í Faith is a monotheistic religion emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, that there is only one God who is the source of all creation; the unity of religion, that all major religions have the same spiritual source and come from the same God; and the unity of humankind, that all humans have been created equal, and that diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance.   According to the Bahá'í teachings the human purpose is to learn to know and love God through such methods as prayer, reflection, and being of service to humankind.”

According to  Mary Ann Budnik's commentary title, “THE UNITED NATIONS JOINS Baha'is TO IMPLEMENT NEW WORLD ORDER. ” Baha'i beliefs is actively involved in the United Nation policies. Here’s an insert: 
Let's compare the UN's purpose to Baha'i beliefs. In the UN NGO accreditation documents, the Baha'is explain their belief in the "oneness of humanity, and its supporting concepts such as equality of women and men, world citizenship, the abolition of prejudice, universal education, <consultation as means of decision- making>, and the protection of the environment." Their founder, Baha'u'llah, gives a more complete explanation: "For a global society to flourish . . . it must be based on certain fundamental principles. They include: the elimination of all forms of prejudice; full equality between the sexes; recognition of the essential oneness of the world's great religions; the elimination of extremes of poverty and wealth universal education; the harmony of science and religion; a sustainable balance between nature and technology; and the establishment of a world federal system, based on collective security and the oneness of humanity." The UN and the Baha'is complement each other.

But the above descriptions of the purpose of the Baha'is are not quite complete. The actual purpose of their religion and their mission is the institution of a one-world religion (the Baha'i religion) and one-world government. "Recognition of the oneness of mankind <implemented by appropriate legal measures> must be universally upheld."

Some basic Baha'i Faith principles are:

Independent Search of Truth
Oneness of the Human Race

Unity of Religion

Harmony of Science and Religion
Equality of the Sexes
Compulsory Education
A Universal Language
Abolition of Extreme Wealth and Poverty
Universal Peace
The Elimination of Prejudice

Can you easily understand and recognize the influence that the Baha’i Faith has toward our Canadian Members of Parliament? Unity of Religion [Interfaith],  Harmony of Science and Religion [Theory of Evolution], Equality of the sexes [lgbtq], compulsory of education [Baha’i Faith being part of our school curriculum], abolition of extreme [middle class] wealth and poverty [communist],  Universal Peace [UN intervention] and elimination of prejudice [Motion 103]   

The key Baha’i religious principles are the oneness of God, the oneness of religion, and the oneness of humanity. Baha’is support world unity and the development of international governing bodies. Baha’is work closely with government agencies, including the United Nations and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

These principles are taught in our school. This how it was introduced in our schools in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada:

In 1984, the Newfoundland-Labrador Human Rights Association (NLHRA) sent a brief to the Minister of Justice criticizing the school system, stating that:

“The greatest single threat to equality of religion and freedom of worship [in the province] is the restrictive nature of the denominational educational system. It is recommended that a second alternative be available for students who are not of faiths which benefit from a special constitutional privilege, or that denominational schools be prohibited from discriminating on the basis of religion.”

Therefore, for the sake of students who are not of faith, the school board decided to remove Christianity and to replace it with Baha’i Faith for all students with or of no faith belief. Ironic isn't it? I consider this an oxymoronic policy.

"The Liberal government of Brian Tobin had in mind when he passed the necessary legislation to form a non-denominational system, 155 years after the first denominational Education Act." There has been a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Education in 1990, followed by two referendums.  The non-denominational system was adapted but mainly because of the cost involved in sustaining all denominational schools. Our children are then being conditioned to accept a One World Religion and to adapt to the idea of a New World Order within Baha’i Faith ideology. Canadians are being conditioned to surrender our border, our economic sovereignty, our culture, and our national identity.

These Baha'i principles of “oneness and acceptance equality of religious belief” have been indoctrinating children since 1990 and still are.  The belief that world peace will be achieved when all religions accept the principle of Baha’i is misleading, and a lie.  Islam is the snake in the lyrics written by AL WILSON. The tender woman represents are those who embrace Baha’i religion and its ideology.  Islam will not adapt to the Baha’i Faith. At this very moment, thousands of Baha’is followers are being persecuted in Iran.

Many Christians also have embraced Baha’i ideology under the term of Interfaith Dialogue. It refers to cooperative, constructive and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e., "faiths") and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels.

To be a member of Interfaith Dialogue, Church denominations are to accept that:

·         Truth is not absolute or set in stone.
·         The church no longer believes in a literal hell where people suffer.
·         Adam And Eve are a fable
·         All religions are true because they are true in the hearts of all those who believe in them.
·         God is changing and evolving as we are,
·         Some Bible passages are outdated
·         Whether we worship at a church, a synagogue, a mosque or a mandir, it does not matter.
·         Whether we call God, Jesus, Adonai, Allah or Krishna, we all worship the same God of love.
·         Jesus is NOT the only way to eternal life
·         You have eternal life no matter what you believe

Christian members of Interfaith Dialogue will also be entangled in the snare. Some already are. They call themselves Chrislam. It is ironic because only Christians make concessions to accommodate Muslims and not the other way around.

Jesus teaching is very clear:

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.” Matthew 7:13

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

I have written a commentary about the destiny of the so-called Christians who have denied Jesus as their Saviour. It is titled “Interfaith – The Gathering of the Tares” I invite you to please read.

Christian Attributes in a Canadian Culture

Canada has been built on the principles of Judeo-Christian faith and belief. A true Christian is someone that chose to believe in the Supreme God who created heaven and earth as described in the Bible.  He/she also believes in the origin of evil, an event where sin was introduced in the world, which happened in the garden eastward in Eden. He/she believes in God's grace and mercy toward all man, who has sent His Son Jesus to pay for the consequence of our sins.  A Christian is someone who believes in the death and resurrection of Jesus. The reward is the gift of eternal life. He/she becomes a citizen of the Kingdom of God. A Christian is someone who prepares to reign with Christ by studying sound doctrines and applying it in his/her life.

Christians do not have the mandate to stop the world from sinning. Christians are not mandated to force their lifestyle upon others. They are mandated to testify Christ's resurrection, which is the gospel and to set an example by living by God's ethical and moral values.

Canadian Christians also have the right to live their faith protected by the Canadian Constitution Bill of Rights. They have the right to defend their behaviour choice as much as the homosexual has right on their behaviour choice. To be a Christian or a homosexual is a behavioural choice, a lifestyle choice. You may notice that there are many denominations and clergies that support same-sex marriage; yet, they live in contradiction with the Christian faith.  Jesus warned us that there would be impostors; "For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many," Matt 24:5.

A true Christian strives to live according to God's instructions and not by the world’s secular view. You notice that I use the word strives to and not live by God's instruction. As a child grows in understanding and makes an effort to apply his/her parent’s instructions, so is a Christian who makes an effort to apply Jesus’ instructions.  

If you disagree with Christians' influence in our nation, explained to me what’s wrong by striving to obey God's commandments? What wrong with striving not to lie, not to steal, not to commit murder, not to give false witness which is called gossiping [fake news], what’s wrong with striving to be loyal to one spouse of the opposite sex, not committing adultery? Is it not what sustains a healthy community? What is wrong with to strive to love our neighbour as we love ourselves? To strive doesn't mean that we are perfect. You will probably rebuke by saying that humanism does the same.  I will reply by saying that they do all the above and more through humanist involvement in our societies but without God in the picture, and their reward of refusing Jesus as Lord is eternal condemnation in hell.

The Bible teaches Christians responsibility towards our government by recognizing and accepting that the governing powers are ordained by God, it teaches to pay our taxes and to pray for the leaders of our government.  It teaches us to live a quiet life and to do business with integrity. It teaches to respect God's ordained marriage between one man and one woman. It teaches us to instruct and prepare our children for life adult responsibilities. Tell me, why would the school board shy away from Christians values? Because it gives a notion that God is real, and remind the secular that one day all will give an account of their works and conduct even the most defile and secret behaviour.

For Christians, the good of the community is part of God's instructions
"You shall love your neighbour as yourself," Leviticus 19:18. "Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being," 1 Cor 10:24.

The true definition of tolerance is through the example of God's grace and mercy toward mankind.  Grace is defined as unmerited favour and mercy is defined as unmerited forgiveness.  It is more than what Islam ideology has to offer to our nation. Here is a sample of Sharia Law that violates our Canadian Charter of right:

·         Sharia Law supersedes the Canadian Charter of Right
·         Islam means “submission”
·         Religion and state are not separate.
·         Apostasy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on anyone who leaves Islam.
·         Blasphemy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on critics of Islam or Muhammad (infidels).
·         Homosexuals may be imprisoned, flogged, or executed.
·         Adulterers may be stoned to death.
·         A mature man may marry a prepubescent girl.

The United Nations seems to be overwhelmingly concern about Mother Nature [climate change] more than human interest.  Thousands of Christians are being persecuted by ISIL. They are Christian refugees with no nations in the world to care for them. Christian children are being crucified, men beheaded, women raped and sold as sex slaves. Outrageous, the United Nations and the Canadian Liberal government are more concerned with the environmental issues, sex gender and Islamophobia than human tragedies committed by Islamism terrorists.


“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day,” John 12:48

The majority of Canadians have rejected and denied that Jesus is the Son of God and rejected His teaching. The Liberal members of parliament along with the NDP members of parliament have together legislated laws to allow sinners to sin evermore.

·         It was the federal Liberal government that instituted sweeping reforms of Canada’s criminal law, which included decriminalizing homosexuality.

·         It was the federal Liberal government that amended Canada’s Immigration Act, removing a ban on homosexuals as immigrants.

·         It was the federal Liberal government that lifted its ban on homosexuals in the military, allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly and live with their partners on military bases.

·         It was the federal Liberal government that gave gay and lesbian couples the same rights and benefits as common-law couples with regard to pensions, income taxes, and other such matters.
·         It was the federal Liberal government that extended protection against hate propaganda toward gays and lesbians, making it an offence to spread hatred against others based on their sexual orientation. [it became a crime to speak against homosexual lifestyle and behaviour]

·         It was the federal Liberal government under the leadership of Prime Minister Paul Martin that officially legalized same-sex marriage nationwide with the enactment of the Civil Marriage Act.

·         It is the federal Liberal government under the leadership of Justin Trudeau that enact Gender/Bathroom Bill – C279, which mean that anyone identified as a transgender, [he] gets to pee next to your daughter. The Interim Conservative leader Rona Ambrose supported the new trans rights bill, Wednesday, May 11, 2016. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick,  Ambrose says she allowed her caucus colleagues to vote as they wish.

·         It was the Liberal government that legalized abortion at any point in a woman's pregnancy for any reason. Canada is rated to be among the top three countries with no abortion law, Canada being number one, followed by China and North Korea. Yep, there are no abortion laws in Canada. It is legal to have an abortion at any point during pregnancy for any reason right up to the point of giving birth. Canadians murdered more living beings than ISIL, and we call ourselves civilized.

·         It is the present Liberal federal government that will allow doctors, nurses and pharmacists to kill those who are depressed, sick or are suffering anguish. They will even allow killing children by the years 2019.

Judgment is Coming to this Once Great Christians Nation

“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth [Jesus, Jn 14:6], that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie [Satan, Rev 12:9], that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth [Jesus, Jn 14:6] but had pleasure in unrighteousness,” 2 Thes 2:9-12.

The strong delusion - the stealth is Satan’s lie, the snare, Baha’i faith and Interfaith.   

What is the consequence of not loving the truth? The consequence of believing in a lie is to become a victim of many more deceptions? Since humanity accepted the lie, a strong delusion is now among us. How strong is this delusion? It is so strong that even Christians have fallen for it.

“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day comes on you unexpectedly.  For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man,” Luke 21:34-36

The snare - the stealth is Baha’i Faith, who is preparing the way for the antichrist, an Islamite.   

View towards the Shrine of the Báb from upper Terraces, Israel

“I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive,” John 5:43

Prophetic Signs To Come

I’m not a prophet, neither a theologian. But Jesus is.  Remember the signs His disciples described to John the Baptist while in prison;

“The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them,” Matthew 11:5

“…and the poor have the gospel preached to them.”  Do you understand the significance of this?  It means that the truth, the teaching of God's word is not restricted to the clergy composed of priests, bishops, cardinals and religious theologians. The understanding of God’s word in the Bible is available to whoever accepts Jesus as Lord.

Jesus spends three and a half years teaching to His disciples the things that pertain to the kingdom of God. They couldn’t understand until they receive a helper “the Holy Spirit”, the love of the truth.  

A student of Bible prophecy has the mandate to be a lampstand and the salt of the earth, to testify, to be a witness of God prophetic word so that whoever read or heard will be able to make a free choice to heed the instruction or reject it.  Those who accept it are like seeds that fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty, (Matt 13:8). And those who rejected it are like seeds that fell by the wayside, and the birds came and devoured them.

The consequences of rejecting the truth are to continue to live in a lie, a lie that deceives evermore where the lie becomes truth.  And those who reject the truth become victims of a strong delusion.

“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness,” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12  

The “coming of the lawless one” will be coming out of the Baha’i faith. He will lecture and live by its principals as a ruse to deceive the world. In a world in chaos, he will bring peace, the promise of a new era for all humanity.  He will reconcile the great conflict that existed for decades between the Arab states and the nation of Israel.  The two states will finally live in peace. The Bible writes that the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple will be connected with that important event.  The Jews will one more time be able to worship their God by offering the burnt offering. But peace will not last.

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”(Daniel 9:27)

How will this come about?  Before the “coming of the lawless one” the book of Ezekiel 38 prophesies that a great war will break out in the Middle East. It will appear as if the nation of Israel will be vanquished.  But God will defeat the invaders. This event is an act of God to prove to Israel that their God did not forsake them and a sign to the whole world, to all nations that He was the One responsible for delivering His people.  

“And I will bring him [the invaders] to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed; I will rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.  Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord,”’ Ezekiel 38:22-23  

Yet, because the world did not receive the love of the truth, they will accept another one. They will attribute the defeat to climate change. His own people will reject Him and they will accept an impostor instead so that Jesus’ prophetic word would be fulfilled.

“I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive,” John 5:43

After such devastation, a man of great superior diplomatic skills, a charismatic individual will arise who will bring a “false peace” to the area and allow Israel to rebuild their Temple.  He will present himself as “The Promised One of All Ages.”

According to the Baha’i Faith doctrine:

“Baha'u'llah, the Prophet founder of the Baha'i Faith, claims to be the Promised One whose coming was explicitly foretold, not only in the Old and the New Testaments.... but also in the prophecies of the Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Islamic and other religions.”

We live in a cultural war that existed from the beginning of time. It comes down to this: God’s word, the truth vs. Satan’s lies, light vs. darkness,  life vs. death. God’s instruction to His people Israel set the tone for all nations around the world to live by.

““See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess,”” Deuteronomy 30:15-16.

Message To All Christians Who Are Waiting For Jesus Our

Redeemer To Return

“But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.  For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.  For when they say, “Peace and safety!” [The snare] then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.  For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.
Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing,” 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.

C u @ d rapture… soon

If you are not saved but want to be so that you also could be part of our blessed hope, the rapture “confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved,” Romans 10:9

I invite you to read my commentary titled “ How Did I Received The Gift Of Eternal Life”  

Student of Bible Prophecy

Re: Motion 103; Reply from Hon. Minister Judy Foote,  Randy Boissonnault Member of Parliament response to my letter sent on February 22, 2017

Andre Delage
Christian -

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

The Honourable Judy Foote -
Member of Parliament Randy Boissonnault -
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Cc. Newfoundland and Labrador Members of Parliament:

Subject: Re: Motion 103

Dear Members of Parliament

I thank you for replying to my letter dated Wednesday, February 15, 2017. I appreciate that we are able to exchange opinion on such a crucial subject that will impact the future of our cultural heritage. 

I really want you to understand the irony of adopting motion 103.  The fear of Islamism existed for the past 1400 years, Islamophobia. This present Canadian Liberal Party lead by their leader Hon. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will attempt to eliminate the fear of Islam by enforcing anti-Islamophobia legislation. This fear is not racist motivated. The fear will never subside; it will only increase no matter what. In fact, millions will die rejecting Islam, Rev 7:14.  

What in the world is going on with this present Canadian Liberal government under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and of some leaders of the western democratic nations for accepting Islam as a religion of peace and by making all kind of appeasement gesture toward Muslims? Why are you not recognizing the danger?

Do you not have discernment? Fortunately, many other political leader have, such as the Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper, President Donald Trump, President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, Marine Le Pen [One of the 5 Leading Presidential Candidates in the coming French Election], Brexit advocate Nigel Farage and last Geert Wilders Dutch leader of the Party for Freedom who commented: “Islam is not peaceful and comfortable religion. Islam is a totalitarian, violent, intolerant religion.” All the above world leaders recognized the danger of Islamisation of a nation

Comment from by Andrew K. Dart,

"Muslims pretending to be the victims of all the trouble they have stirred up.  That's an interesting strategy, but I predict it won't help their public relations campaign as long as Muslims keep committing random acts of terrorism in this country and elsewhere. And instead of quietly assimilating in "western" culture, the Muslims squawk constantly about how offensive it is, and demand that we change to suit them,"

I recognize that not all Muslims have the agenda of imposing the Sharia Law, many Muslims oppose it yet their voices are not heard such as it was with the respected Muslim scholar Tarek Fatah Founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress who spoke in front of the Canadian Congress.

Tarek advises Congress that imams across Canada in mosques commence Friday prayer with hate speech calling for the defeat of all non-muslims. Please review this video,

I am not a prophet but I do recognize the perilous time we live in. I view world event from a biblical perspective. I would like very much that you take the time to read my latest commentary.  I explain how a religious ideology came about influencing our cultural heritage. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED TO FIND OUT THAT IT IS NOT ISLAM. You can then decide to choose what direction Canada culture should go. You will find it attached as an Adobe document.

Best Regards

Andre Delage

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