Tuesday 24 March 2020

Kiss Canada Sovereignty Farewell

Canada Land of the Free No More

Are we entering an unprecedented era?

We are living in an unprecedented time. In the Second World War, the enemy of our sovereign economic liberty and freedom was Germany's Nazism and Japan's Imperialism. Millions from both militarizes and civilians died whether on the battlefield or far away from it. We called it War World ll, but not all nations were involved. The pre-World war geopolitical status quo changed drastically afterward.

What kind of change are we to expect from the present border invasion from an invisible enemy, the coronavirus? We are entering an unprecedented era. Are we going to lose our national sovereignty? Are we going to lose our Charter of Rights and Freedom? We witness the Church being coerced to agree to a certain term of condition (attestation) which Hon. Justin Trudeau applied for the 2018 Summer job grant application. Over one thousand believers and unbelievers organizations refused to agree. They were willing to go without. Yet, thousands signed in agreement … no question asked and sold their soul to the devil.

The American Democrat voted against President Trump’s Stimulus Package to help American Families because it did not contain an abortion slush fund. President Trump offers help unconditionally.  We in Canada are governed by an autocratic communist regime, with one purpose… to surrender our economic sovereignty, surrender our parental sovereignty to a communist school board, and surrender our Charter of Rights and Freedom for the sake of land security. The Liberal will use this opportunity to grab power in the guise of goodwill to give assurance to the Canadian citizens.

The Liberal Party of Canada with the support of the NDP will vote for an unconditional surrender of whatever is left of our Canadian sovereignty, all power and control over our economy will be at first governed by a fascist regime soon followed by communist institutions. Canada will never be the land of the free.

“The bill would give the Liberal government the ability to tax, spend and borrow without seeking the approval of MPs until December 2021”

What condition would Justin Trudeau who is already an anti-Christian impose on all Canadian citizens to be eligible for any financial support? The churches already signed a pact with the devil 'the CRA' to stay out of politics.

In my book titled, “Canadian Christian Ministry 2018 – The Most Lukewarm Church of All Western Nations,” I mention that the churches will be going through a time of judgement.

“For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17

The gathering of the tares is about to begin. As I described in one of my blogs, I stated:

“It is my personal opinion that the Church (the wheat) and the so-called Christians (the tares) will become increasingly evident. I am also inclined to believe that the separation of the tares from true Christians will become the great apostasy of the end of time. Many will leave their traditional church and return to a homegrown church.”

I was one of the few voices in the ocean of lies warning the churches. I am not a prophet. I ask for discernment and God provided.

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment,” Philippians 1:9

In the Lord’s prayer, I added, “Deliver us from evil, (the lies and the deceptions)”

Since the publishing of the book, the sale has been to a minimum. I even give it away free on Dropbox, (see the link below).  I didn’t feel offended at all. I knew then how Jeremiah, Isaiah and many more prophets experienced… they felt ignored. 

I am only a messenger. Please view and share this video… it speaks for itself.