Thursday 2 June 2022

The Rules of Good Stewardship - True Riches - Part Two

 Part 2  


A lesson from the past ignored

Have we learned anything from the example of God’s people, Israel?  The theme throughout the Book of Judges was “Failure through compromise,” and the theme found in the Book of Joshua was “Victory through faith.” 

How many books have been written, commentaries were blogged, and sermons have been preached about faith? Is the Church any better than historical Israel when it comes to being in obedience to His commandments? The Church has its moments of victory and its moments of failure. One generation who has forgotten what it took to be in fellowship with God proceeded by a generation crying out to God to intervene. Is this where the Church of this era is now confused, divided, and in despair? Many American and Canadian Christians are crying out to God for a revival. You wouldn’t believe how many stay-at-home believers refuse to be part of an assembly of the saints. Why? Many felt unwelcome (Hebrews 10:25). Some were rejected because they were smokers, and some because they had a criminal record. Really? Are we inviting only sinless candidates? Through COVID-19, haven’t the churchgoers tasted what it is like to be separated from the assembly of the church? 

Revival will not come unless we are willing to welcome sinners – to leave aside our prejudice. If we don’t, we are no better than the children of Jacob, Israel, before their deportation to Babylon. Inasmuch God warned Israel and Judah to return to Him and to His covenant to be a light for the surrounding nations, Jesus, through the Apostle John, wrote to North America’s Church to return as a good and faithful steward of His Word, fulfilling His commission, or else, it will be given to another nation.   

"For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another,"  Titus 3:3

“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent,” Revelation 2:5

The Canadian and American Christian Church is not Israel. We do not replace God’s people just because the Jewish authority rejected Jesus. We live under a new covenant (Mark 14:24) under the dispensation of grace (Eph 3:2). We are bondservants by the same rules of stewardship as the Israelites. 

The present Canadian multicultural society, with its diversity of cultures and religions, reflects the same characteristics that existed during the time of Imperialist Rome and Autocratic Babylon.  It has degenerated to where all traditions, cultures, systems of beliefs, religions, and moral values of all nationalities are threatened by Cultural Marxism. 
Nothing is new under the sun (Eccl 1:9). 

In the Book of Judges, soon after the settlement of each Israelite tribe in their assigned territory, Israel quickly drifted away from God's covenant. In those days, there were no kings in Israel, and every man did what was right in his eyes (Judges 17:6). Doesn’t that also reflect the North American Corporate Christian Churches? Having good intentions, each congregation identifies itself with its personalized statement of belief - every church denomination is doing what is right in its own eyes, and so is each Christian. Aren't we far from being united in understanding all things in Christ (Eph 4:13)? So many seek a church that teaches the word of God without compromise.

Canada and America were once strong Judeo-Christian influences; it is no more. The Church has lost its salt flavour, the light on the lampstand has extinguished, and the lampstand will soon be relocated (Rev 2:5). If the Church doesn’t repent by obeying Christ Our Lord’s instructions, God will go elsewhere to do His work. It will leave the community desolate of His presence and His word.  It happened with Israel, and it also happened with the city of Ephesus (Rev 2:5). Our modern churches are not exempt.

 "Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
"That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord," Amos 8:11
The Canadian Churches failed the test.

In the Book of Judges 3:4, God allowed five lords of the Philistine to be used as a thorn in the side of the children of Israel (chapter 2:3).  The Canaanites, the Sidonians, the Hivites, Perizzites, and the Jebusites (verse 5).  Verse 4 explains how they tested Israel.  Their gods would be used as a snare (Judges 2:2). The snare was used to find out whether they would obey the commandments of God (Judges 3:4), in particular, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3-5). The consequences of being entangled in the snare, Israel's moral and spiritual disobedience, would lead to their deportation. 

What about Canadian Christians? Have we not been entrapped into the federal Cultural Marxism policies - an autocratic snare, and anti-Christian snare, dictating what ought to be taught to our children, overruling the parents' cultural and religious practices and beliefs, to unite all cultures, all religious faith unto one philosophy, one ideology, one religion under the ruse of false faith indoctrination and Darwinism evolutionary rhetoric?  We live in a so-called ‘Extreme Bias Cultural Marxism and in an Extreme Bias Multi-Gender’ nation. 
We, Christians, dropped our guard and allowed the Canadian federal and provincial leaders to dictate what we are to accept culturally. Both levels of government became autocratic to the core, under the umbrella of political correctness, accusing Christians of intolerance and racism when Christians voiced their concern.  

Freedom of Worship vs. Freedom of Religion

“Now, are we to shine our light within the four walls of the church building only?  Nonsense.”

At the opening and closing prayers, I heard pastors thank God for the freedom to worship, unaware that God has given them much more than a simple right to worship in Canada. I believe God wrote the Constitution on His behalf - for His purpose, not ours. Isn’t it also for the United States of America with its Bill of Rights? He gave us, not the government, the freedom of religion. The Constitution was founded upon the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law. Not any gods, but the Christian God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God, The Creator who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (Jn 3:16). 

What is the difference between freedom of worship and freedom of religion?  The difference is that freedom of worship restricts a Christian’s sphere of influence by living according to their beliefs, ethics, and moral standard values within the wall of a building. In contrast, the freedom of religion gives Christians the freedom to carry their right to beliefs, ethics, and moral standard values everywhere in our society.   It is our civil right. Have you not noticed how often we hear from the secular to keep our religion at church?  It is a constant attack on our rights. Even Christians among themselves demanded not to mix religion with politics… go figure. 

We have the fundamental right to peaceful assembly in a church environment and freedom of religion in a social environment, especially in our school. 

“True and pure diversity in a multicultural society is to allow each parent to teach their children their religious beliefs, their values according to their culture and tradition, and to teach their sexual moral standard and behaviour without prejudice and interference from any level of government. Isn't that what the Charter of Rights and Freedom is about?”

The Snare (commentary)

We are incapable of untangling ourselves from the snare unless we Christians first repent and live by our personal faith, trusting in the Word. Institutions and the government will fail, but God will never, never fail us.

“For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God and put Him to an open shame.

For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; but if it bears thorns and briers, it is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned,” Hebrews 6:4-8

Haven't we been tested, and are we still? Many Christians, including me, are going through difficult trials. Our faith is being tested. 

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us," Romans 8:18

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose," Romans 8:28

Wednesday 1 June 2022

The Rules of Good Stewardship - True Riches part one

 Part One

True Riches

This commentary was on the back burner for over 5 years. So much has happened since then.

The Post Covid-19 Era

What kind of change (New Normal) are we to expect from this unprecedented all-borders invasion of an invisible enemy, called COVID-19? Whether the virus threat was a hoax or real, it has been used as a political ruse,(Psalm 2:1). Are we entering into a unique era, with the possibility of two different resulting scenarios?... A pre-tribulation era scenario (Daniel 2:33) or a temporary victory over a distinct group called the World Elite to allow God’s grace to reach millions of lost souls. No student of prophecy would have predicted that certain Luciferian elite groups would rise up within the Western nations in power in an attempt to control the world population by using a virus to create fear to accomplish their goal of establishing their New World in Disorder. I didn’t expect a pseudo-pandemic to be the instrument of deceit. In the book titled “2018 Canadian Christian Ministry - The Most Lukewarm Church in the Whole Western Nation,” I concluded that the Church would be entering a period of judgment. Our freedom of religion has been challenged followed by an attempt to take away our freedom to assemble. Since March 2022, we have been experiencing a temporary retrieval of the restriction but it was not abolished. In Canada, the Emergency Act has been rescinded after being active for one week without being enacted by the Senate. It was long enough to show how much power the minority government of Prime Minister Trudeau may exert on Canadians. Total tyranny. From frozen bank accounts to using brutal force to disperse a peaceful protest. A pastor who refused to follow the lockdown mandates was detained in prison suffering from prejudiced treatment among the inmates.

It is my opinion that the mandatory restrictions are here to stay. We are now experiencing a temporary relief for the summer season but will be reinforced in the fall unless God intervenes, (Psalm 3). Our way of life will never be the same anymore. Every culture and tradition from all nationalities has been affected. This is truly the result of communist influence and infiltration in all Canadian institutions. This is part one of a commentary that was on the back burner for two years. Never would I have thought that this commentary was to be for the pre-tribulation era ( the pre-rapture era). Never in my mind would this commentary be so relevant for our time. The purpose of this commentary is to prepare the churches for what is to come.


“Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another” Romans 14:19

 Christian living as instructed by Jesus Our Lord

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” Matthew 5:14-15

 To my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ

The content of this book is for you, Christians who bear the name of The Way, (Acts 9:2,14), The Truth, (John 8:31-32) and The Life, (1 John 1:2, John 14:6). Who believe Jesus is Lord, (Rom 10:9), - the Son of God is God (1 John 4:15) - not falsely known as only a historical figure, not falsely known as an angel, not falsely known only as a prophet, not falsely known only as a spiritual being created by God, not falsely known as a simple man begotten by Joseph, but rather truthfully known as the Living God who His name is ‘Father’ who took the form of a man who His name is Jesus (John 14:11, Rev 1: 4b-5a), born from a young virgin woman named Mary, (Matt 1:23), Mary who married and became the wife to a man whose name is Joseph, her husband (Rom 3:23, Matt 1:20,24) and who bear many children (Luke 8:19, Mark 6:3).

A Christian is one who believed in the testimonies carried out by His Apostles, from generation through generation to our generation, (John 17:20). A Christian is one who believes that Jesus died without sins, (1 John 3:5) and redeemed us by his blood (1 John 1:7) from Adam's curse and from the consequences of all our sins - whom we were condemned for eternity in hell, (Rev 22:3, Mark 3:29). A Christian is one who believes in Jesus’ translated bodily resurrection followed by His ascension to heaven (Luke 24:51) where Jesus our Lord is seated at the right-hand side of God the Father, (1 Peter 3:22). A Christian is a man/woman of faith, who believes without evidence, (Gal 3:11), confesses with his/her mouth the Lord Jesus and believes in his/her heart that God has raised Him from the dead, he/she is saved, (Romans 10:9). A Christian is one who trusts in the inerrancy of the Bible, God’s word is true, (Rev 21:5). A Christian is one who is called to be at one with God, (John 6:65, John 17:21-22). Finally, a Christian is appointed to the works befitting repentance and, subsequently, steward of Christ, revealing God’s mystery. (Acts 26:20, 1 Cor 4:1, Col 1:26).

Prologue God commissioned Zechariah to encourage the Jews in their unfinished responsibility to rebuild the walls and the Temple after they returned to Jerusalem after 70 years of exile in Babylon. He didn’t use strong words of rebuke; rather, he used words of encouragement, reminding them that this (physical) Temple was representing the coming of their Messiah as prophesied to their fathers. They were not merely constructing a building but also building the future according to the prophetic word of God’s promise of the coming Messiah. Now, aren’t the Church commissions to do the same—edify the body of Christ and prepare the bride for Jesus' return?

“Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present I should use sharpness, according to the authority which the Lord has given me for edification and not for destruction” (2 Cor 13:10)

The parable of the tares (Matt 13:24-30) illustrates God’s work through angels, the gathering of the tares and the gathering of the wheat as an end-time scenario before Jesus returns for His Church. The tares bundled together for the fire – the seven years tribulation, and the bundles of wheat to be stacks and brought into the barn - an event called the rapture. As a sign of end-time prophecy, there should be a clear distinction between Christians living in the truth and the so-called Christians who live within the humanist deceptions. Although God knows the heart, the Church will be distinct through the ‘Rules of Good Stewardship.

Stay tuned for part two of "The True Riches - Part 2, Introduction"

About me I am neither a theologian nor a Bible scholar. I am not an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher (Eph 4:11-16, 1 Cor 12:27-31) but desire to speak the truth in love. I prefer to be considered a watchman on the wall, as described in (Ezekiel 33). If I do not speak out, the blood of the innocents will be about me. My opinions are based on personal study, observation, research, and life experience walking in the Lord. I believe in the teaching of the Holy Spirit, (John 14:26, 1 Cor 2:13). My citizenship is in heaven; therefore, I am ready to serve anybody without discrimination toward all churches and all denominations who are under one God, one Lord (Jesus), one Spirit and one resurrection.