Criteria Required: Faith
and Courage
I hope that you remember your Sunday school bible lesson. God shows mercy and grace to the city of Nineveh.
“And should I (God) not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock?”Jonah 4:11
Jonah lamented that the great city of Nineveh
had not been destroyed. The inhabitants did evil in God's eyes, but God forgave
them when they showed repentance. Even their livestock was spared from God’s
Look at the sad state of
our nation's moral values. Are they not a reflection of the moral status of the
city of Nineveh, which could not discern between its right and left hands? Moral belief
maintains that morality is not grounded in any absolute standard.
There is no absolute
understanding of what is right and what is wrong. The truth is a lie, and a lie
is a truth (Romans 1:25). The acronym for the LGBTQQIP2SAA stands for sin.
Then, there is the Woke ideology or culture. From a Christian point of view,
the Woke ideology is the extreme opposite of God's ideology; it is a perversion of God's word. The
Woke culture is a culture without God in the picture that attacks all moral
values of all cultures, all traditions, and all religions from all races and
nationalities, targeting children and suppressing the parent's authority over
John Hilton-O'Brien,
Parents for Choice in Education, in a newsletter, expressed his concern:
“You’ve watched as ideologies such as Critical Race Theory and Gender Theory have transferred power from parents to elites. Many school boards, controlled by “woke” elites, have policies that demand teachers keep secrets about your children from you. Their vision is a monolithic system where the unions take your tax dollars and teach your children whatever they want. (”
The Woke culture is a manmade invention based on science that hides God as the Creator. Since God does not exist, gender continues to evolve even if it must cheat nature by performing surgery to reach that transformation. Most of the Canadian population cannot discern between their right hand and their left. And who is suffering due to their perversion? The children and adolescents are. There are some sick and wicked parent who would proceed with a sex change on their child. Incredibly sad, for their punishment will be severe, Matthew 18:6.
Parents are divided: those who agree and support the woke and the LGBTQQIP2SAA movement and those who are against it and are silent, preferring to educate their children at home. Under severe economic conditions, many parents cannot afford the privilege of keeping their child at home.
All government
establishments, including unions and major mainstream media, enforce this woke
movement. Many parents stay quiet for fear of reprisal and of having their
children taken away. Parents with common sense moral values are Christian
parents and secular parents of many different nationalities, a family
consisting of one man and one woman. These parents are helpless in the fight to
protect their children against the legislated power of the government. They
don’t trust any parties and lose hope in the judicial system. They are probably
part of the 54.6% who didn’t vote in the latest Ontario election. These numbers
represent a good proportion of Canadians who mistrust the system.
There are thousands of
unrestricted babies on death row through abortions in Canada. Available now is
suicide assistance on demand, with no questions asked. Where is humanity? Will
God allow the Canadian citizens to repent? After all, God views Canadians in
the same predicament as the city of Nineveh, who cannot discern between their right hand and their left. Will God extend His
mercy and grace to Canadians as He did to the population of Nineveh? Is it fair? Is it justice that millions of Canadians who do not know their
left hand from their right hand are condemned to be left behind for God’s
wrath, called the Great Tribulation? Christians noticed that depravity is increasing daily in our society. This following comment is directed toward Christians who believe in the second coming of our Lord Jesus, an event called the rapture, to those who sit in the pew with their hands under their bum, hearing a sermon on our blessed hope but do nothing to save the unsaved. You condemn and criticize the culture but do not desire, just like Jonah, the Canadian citizens to be saved, and do not desire a revival in the land.
Unbelievers' ignorance of authentic Christianity causes
their demise. The main reason is their lack of knowledge of the truth; that is
where our pulpit failed. The corporate church's religion is like an ice cream parlour
with many flavours.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will forget your children,” Hosea 4:6.
The left-wing political parties
had 50 years to mould Canadian immoral values gradually. Homosexual behaviour
was viewed as a sin and a crime in the 1960s. Hon. Pierre Trudeau removed from
the criminal code the crime of homosexuality, stating that the government has
no business in the bedroom. It was not long after this that the sin of
homosexuality was accepted as dysfunctional behaviour, but later as a lifestyle
that required government legislation to protect it and to impose it on our
children in all schools.
We Christians have
relinquished our parenting privilege to our government, especially our school
board. Christian parents renounced their God-given responsibility to the
government to teach our children sex education and religion that goes against
our Christian faith.
“True and pure diversity in a multicultural society is to allow each parent to teach their children their religious beliefs, their values according to their culture and tradition, and to teach their sexual moral standard and behaviour without prejudice and interference from any level of government. Isn't that what The Charter of Rights and Freedoms represents?”
Our government leaders and
representatives are merely puppets, stooges to the oligarchic elites. Their
objective is to align themselves with Luciferin’s aim to destroy God's plan of
establishing His Kingdom. Satan wants to bring with him into eternal hell as
much of God’s creation that is made in His image.
These elites have given the
Prime Minister of Canada the supreme authority to govern the country of Canada.
He can legislate any unlimited law without interference and any obstructions
from any opposition. The Prime Minister of Canada is more powerful than the
President of the United States of America. If the Prime Minister of Canada has
the majority in the House of Commons and his Party Members of Parliament give
their full support, he reigns supreme.
When he failed to secure a majority, the
Liberals and New Democrats formed a confidence and supply agreement in which
the NDP pledged support for the Liberals.
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh can be described as the prime minister's
political fortress of solitude, serving as a protector of his reign. Their
political ideology is cultural Marxism disguised as socialism, representing the
working class. It aligns with the globalist new world order agenda. These
elites are Luciferian, to the core, pedophiles involved in child trafficking. Fifty
thousand children disappear each year in Canada, never to be returned to their
parents. The yellow alert is a joke that is turned on when it involves a family
dispute. Have you received fifty thousand yellow alerts on your phone?
40% of teenagers now struggle with anxiety or depression, but Big Pharma is hiding the real reason why, according to RFK Jr., There has been an increase in teenage suicide since COVID-19.
Does the church’s pulpit
denounce the government's corruption and depravity? Is the Separation of States
and Religion a factor in Canada? No, it should not be; it is a US Supreme Court of Justice verdict, not a Canadian one. Consequently, Canadian churches should not
be confined to expressing their faith and values solely within the walls of
their church buildings.
To learn the truth about the American Separation of States and Religion, please watch Pastor Andy Woods's YouTube video "The Big Lie." He graduated with High Honors, earning two Baccalaureate Degrees in Business Administration and Political Science (University of Redlands, CA.), and obtained a Juris Doctorate (Whittier Law School, CA), practiced law, taught Business and Law and related courses (Citrus Community College, CA) and served as Interim Pastor of Rivera First Baptist Church in Pico Rivera, CA (1996-1998).
Freedom of Worship
vs. Freedom of Religion
Now, are we to shine our light only within the four
walls of the church building? Nonsense. At the opening and closing prayers, I
heard pastors thank God for the freedom to worship, unaware that God has given
them much more than a simple right to worship in Canada. God wrote the
Constitution on His behalf—for His purpose, not ours.
What is the difference between freedom of worship and
freedom of religion? The difference is that freedom of worship restricts a
Christian’s sphere of influence by living according to their beliefs, ethics,
and moral standards and values within the walls of a building. The freedom of religion
allows Christians to uphold their beliefs, ethics, and moral values throughout
society. This is a fundamental civil right. Have you noticed how frequently we
hear from the secular community urging us to confine our religion to ourselves?
This pressure represents a constant challenge to our rights.
Even Christians among themselves have demanded not to
mix religion with politics… unthinkable. Too often, I have been invited to a
men’s fellowship breakfast or supper among Christian brothers and limited to
small talk, avoiding talking about religion and politics. They say that it
causes division. Is it not what the word of God is supposed to do? Christians
have become secular to the soul.
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and
sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and
spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart,” Hebrews
We have the fundamental right to peaceful assembly in
a church environment and freedom of religion in a social environment,
especially in our schools.
Christians are not the only citizens in this country
who find themselves tangled in the snare. Have we not been entrapped into the
federal anti-multicultural policies - an autocratic snare and anti-Christian
snare, dictating what ought to be taught to our children, overruling the
parent's cultural and religious practice and beliefs, to unite all cultures,
all religious faith unto one philosophy, one ideology, one religion under the
ruse of Interfaith indoctrination and Darwinism evolutionary rhetoric. We live
in a so-called ‘Extreme Bias Multiculturalism and an Extreme Bias Multi-Gender’
nation. Parents of all cultures face the same dilemma: they are powerless.
Over fifteen years ago,
Americans started to show disdain toward a perverted government and got fed up
with the nonsense of their corrupt policies. Those who dared to speak out were
labelled as conspiracy theorists and were persecuted. They cried out to God,
and a revival followed. It spread like a wildflower behind the pulpit and on
all social media. The revival turned into a great awakening. Righteous men and righteous
women rose into action in all sectors, getting involved in a new movement. Donald
Trump led this movement called ‘MAGA’, “Made America Great Again.” No president
in all the history of the United States went through such animosity from the
Democrats (Oligarchy - elites) and the mainstream media. Only by Divine
intervention did Donald Trump survive all the attacks and false accusations,
even was protected from an assassination attempt.
As a Christian and student
of bible prophecy and labelled as a conspiracy theorist, I viewed this MAGA movement as
God’s grace and mercy by mobilizing the restrainer (Holy Spirit).
“And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way,” 2 Thess 2:6-7.
is simply a spiritual pause by God's prophetic design agenda. You may refer to this as God's final call, serving as a witness to the world. In my opinion, we are in the period where we will
witness the separation of the tares and the wheat of Matthew 13:41, not by man but by angels. Would it
be justice if people were condemned for not knowing the truth? America,
although it is known to be imperialist, is also renowned for its missionary
work worldwide.
America is shining like a
lamp on a lampstand one last time, representing the TRUTH, John 14:6. Millions
from all nations are finally witnessing Christ in His proper form. A choice can
now be made, Deut 30:19.
Unfortunately, Canada
never had a revival. The heart has hardened due to the underlying influence of
the mainstream media, CBC (Communist Broadcast Channel), which keeps Canadians
at bate. The churches are silent; only a
few dare to speak out, such as Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Pastor Tobias Tissen,
Pastor Tim Stephens, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt and Assistant Pastor Peter Wall, Laura-Lynn
Tyler Thompson, and Pastor James Coates.
American Christians recognised
this era as a war against the force of darkness.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places,” Eph 6:12.
The majority of Canadians
are so disconnected from the truth that they are easily persuaded that
Americans are their enemies. The present provincial government is using America’s
25% import tariff to get Canadians to support them in the fight, knowing very
well that they are the causes of the conflict. It is a distraction to cover the
unsurmountable crime against humanity during the COVID-19 pandemic, covering up
the crime against humanity committed through transgenderism, fake climate change
impoverishment through taxation. Un-elected Prime Minister Mark Carney (BlackRock’s
Bankruptcy Trusty), Premier Doug Ford and alike are protecting the drug cartel
distributor for North America. They are like their father, the devil, a thief,
liar, and murderer.
This video, "The Truth About Trump’s Tariffs—Wake Up, Canada!" describes Canada as a safe haven for criminals.
The end-time prophecy foretold that ten-kingdom would be established before Christ returned. The USA, Canada, and Greenland could be among one of the ten kingdoms. It will happen. We are heading in that direction. The best advice I give Canadians is the same Jeremiah gave to Zedekiah, the last king of Judah. Jeremiah repeatedly warned King Zedekiah about the consequences of resisting the Babylonians. “Surrender, and all will be well.” They did not listen, and consequently, the Temple and the City of Jerusalem walls were destroyed. The population was deported to Babylon in 586 BC. Canadians will not be deported but assimilated into the robust American economy. An agreement between Britain and President Donald is in the making. In return for a trade agreement with the USA, Britain will permit Canada to be indexed to the USA, Source.
The only purpose of the
Holy Spirit restraining the mystery of lawlessness (2 Thess 2:6-7) is to save
souls, not a nation, while God is preparing the world's countries for a final
battle against Christ's return.
What is the mystery of
lawlessness? They are principalities, powers, the rulers of
the darkness of this age, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
That is why it is called a mystery; it cannot be understood, it is a secret,
and it is not seen in the physical world but is manifest. The gift of discernment
is required to comprehend Proverbs 2:3 and Philippians 1:9.
I encourage the Churches
to unite and speak against the demonic government. To expose their crime
against humanity.
Matthew 7:1 is the most
misused and abused verse exploited by Christians. “Judge not, that you be not
judged.” Let me rephrase it this way, “Judge
and you will be judge. Jesus was warning them to be prepared to be criticized
for exposing the wickedness of the government. Jesus addressed the scribes, the
Pharisees, and the Sadducees, who were in authority. The Prophet must reveal the nation's and the
king's sins, warning them of God’s wrath. Today, God’s prophets are accused of
being conspiracy theorists. Most ministries do not recognize the modern-day role of prophets, claiming that it nullified and asserting that Jesus was the last
prophet. He indeed was. But the Word is still among us to use to expose.
“All Scripture (The Word) is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
“And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues,” 1 Corinthians 12:28
“But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction,” 2 Peter 2:1.
Jesus teaches us not to
judge on a human level. Don’t be a hypocrite. “Judge not, that you be not
judged” is not meant to turn a blind eye to homosexuality, abortion, and
adultery in our nation. Judge
because Jesus expects you to judge, correct, rebuke, restore, and warn according
to God’s words.
But be aware, Jesus warned
us, “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will
deceive many,” Matthew 24:5.
There will be many false
prophets and impostors, and indeed, there are in our modern day. How do we know
them? They continuously ask for financial support and make a living prophesying.
They will use a real prophet's teaching and turn it into their interpretation
with a twist of perversion.
And there is more to be
brought to light.
The churches are failing
to stand up for Canadians. This is how Canadians
have become doormats trampled underfoot by the federal and provincial
governments. This is how we have lost our parental sovereignty over our
children. We brought these conditions to ourselves to save money on taxes. The
corporate churches write a pack with Satan, CRA. In exchange for tax exemption,
churches have agreed to waive their right to participate in any partisan
political activity that involves direct or indirect support of, or opposition
to, any political party or candidate for public office. Under the devil’s pact,
a church denomination cannot single out the voting pattern on an issue of any
elected representative or politician. We tend to be neutral, not to offend
anyone for fear of losing membership and financial support. That affects members
from discussing politics and even doctrine among themselves… go figure. The
freedom of conscience, which was previously secured, has now become vulnerable
even within the churches. This pack is a financial snare to the corporate
church. Without tax exemption, the corporate church could not sustain itself. Unbelievably, many members would stop contributing if they didn’t get a Tax Donation receipt.
Therefore, what are we to
do as Christians? Stay idle and wait for the rapture? We (Christians) in this national
political predicament are losing our rights and liberty to profess the truth
because we have stayed idle for the past 50 years. Yes, we were called to make
disciples by sharing the gospel of salvation, but also to function as a restrainer
over evil, to defend the widows, the orphans, the poor, and the helpless, such
as our children and babies on death row (abortion). God hates the killing of
innocent blood.
Don't be surprised at
God's judgement on all nations that use abortion as birth control for
convenience. I am a baby boomer, and I am guilty of this sad state of our
country for being idle. Therefore, should I stay silent? God in the Old
Testament called out prophets during Israel's political crises—no different
today. God calls stewards on numerous occasions for the same political
conditions as Israel (Eph 4:11). Too many Christians don't know what is
happening and wonder why God allows fear created by deceit worldwide, even false
See, “Canadian Federal
Election - Canadian charities must avoid partisan political activity,” Published
September 7, 2008 by Mark Blumberg
What are we to do? The Holy Spirit dwells in each believer. The Church is the Holy Temple of God, where its Spirit resides. When the Church lives in truth, it acts as a restrainer. The Church's responsibility is to restrain the increasing mystery of lawlessness and prevent it from getting out of control while we share the gospel.
As Christians who are now
caught in the snare of deception? This is what we are to do:
- ·
Pray for
a revival in this nation
- · Pray for
righteous leaders at all levels of government
- ·
Pray for
righteous leaders within the Church
- ·
Pray for
more pastors anchored in the inerrancy of God’s word and have the courage to
teach it
- ·
Get out
of the snare of the Tax exemption. Christians support your pastor financially
according to your ability to do so without expecting Tax-exempt receipt
- ·
Create small groups to discuss politics from a biblical perspective
- ·
at the pulpit expose crime against humanity and talk politics.
Yes, expect Our Lord Jesus
to return at any moment, but until then, please get involved.
Pastor Pawlowski is the author of Lions Do Not Bow: The
Unbreakable Courage of Canada's Pastor.
According to
Artur Pawlowski (born March 28, 1973) is a Polish Canadian evangelical street preacher and political activist. He is pastor of the Cave of Adullam congregation in Calgary and previously led the Kings Glory Fellowship (KGF). Pawlowski is also the founder and pastor of Street Church Ministries (SCM), a group no longer recognized by the Canadian government as a religious or charitable organization.
In 2012, for his support of Israel, he received the Honorary Chaplain Position for the Province of Alberta from the Christian Friends of Canadian Magen David Adom (CFMDA). In 2011, Bishop Dr. Gerry Kibarabara, the secretary general of United Christian Churches of Kenya's Supreme Council, presented Pawlowski with honorary ordination for his humanitarian work in Africa. He is the first to hold such a position for the province of Alberta. On April 28, 2012, the Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB), a membership-funded conservative business group in Canada, awarded Pawlowski the 'Free Speech Award'.
His awards turned from sweet to bitter. His ordeals got worse in December 2020. He exposed the lies of the COVID-19 pandemic (plandemic). He actively resisted the restrictions imposed by the local, provincial, and Federal governments. He is a defender of the truth and our civil rights. He participated in many peaceful protests nationwide, including the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. He was arrested multiple times, accused of being a national terrorist, mistreated in prison, and received a multitude of fines. He spoke on many tours to MAGA crowds in the United States. He is well-known in the Trump family. He is warning the Canadian Corporate churches to be prepared to be tested and Canadian for the coming economic collapse.
Please watch Pastor Artur Pawlowski's video titled "Message to the Leaders! Lions Do Not Bow"
The first one, “Canadian
Christian Ministry 2018—The Most Lukewarm Church in The Whole Western Nations,”
is free on Scribd. Here is the link.
The second one is “THE
GREAT RESET VS THE GREATEST REVIVAL.” It is available free on Scribd. Here is
the link.
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“But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light,” Ephesians 5:13
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